

Транзитная миграция и транзитный страны - И. Молодиков


Baldwin-Edwards, М. (2006) “’Between a Rock and a Hard Place’ : North Africa as a Region of Emigration, Immigration and Transit Migration” Review> of African Political Economy, no. 108: 311-324.

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Hugo, G. (2002) Migration policies designed to facilitate the recruitment of skilled workers in Australia. In International mobility of the highly skilled workers: From statistical analysis to the formulation of policies. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Hyndman, J. (2000) Managing Displacement: Refugees and the Politics of Humanitarianism. Minneapolis: Minnesota University Press.

Ycduygu. A. (2000) ‘The Politics of International Migratory Regimes: Transit Migration Flows in Turkey’. International Social Science Journal, 165, pp. 357-366.

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Ycduygu. A. (2007a) ‘The Politics of Irregular Migratory Flows in the Mediterranean Basin: Economy, Mobility and ‘Illegality”. Mediterranean Politics, 12 (2), pp. 141-161.

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