

Транзитная миграция и транзитный страны - И. Молодиков

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Hablicsek Laszlo - Toth Pal Péter (2000): Anemzetkôzi vândorlâs szerepe a magyarorszagi népesség szamanak megôrzésében 1999-2050 kôzôtt. Hie Role of International Migration in Maintaining the Size of the Hungarian Population between 1999-2050. Demographic Research Institute, 2002.

Hungarian Helsinki Committee (1999). Experiences of legal representation in asylum procedures in Hungary, Hungarian Helsinki Committee, May 1999 (www.helsinki.hu)

Hungarian Helsinki Committee (2003), Asylum in Hungary Budapest, Hungary, www. Helsinki.hu

Hablicsek, Toth (2002). The Role of International Migration in Maintaining the population size of Hungary between 2000-2050 (2002), No.l, Demographic Research Institute, KSH.

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ICMPD (2007). 2006 Yearbook on Illegal Migration, Human Smuggling and Trafficking in Central and Eastern Europe. A Survey and Analysis of Border Management and Border Apprehensions Data from 200 States Des. By Peter Futo and Michael Jandl. ICMPD, Austria.

IOM (2000). Ed Laszko Franck. Migrant trafficking and Human Smuggling in Europe. A review of the evidence with case studies from Hungary, Poland and Ukraine.

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Laliav, Galiya and Guiraudon Virginie. «Comparative Perspectives on Border Control: Away from the Bolder and Outside the State». In The Wall Around the West: State borders and immigration controls in North America and Europe, eds Peter Andreas and Timothy Snyder, 55-77. Oxford: Rowman and Littlefield, 2000.

Molodikova I (2005) UN Conventions on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families and Hungarian Labor Market Needs .UNESCO report on labor migration http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0013/001395/139533E.pdf

Molodikova Ilina (2003.) Hungary in the context of European Economic migration (with Nagy Zoltán) In Migracijske I etlinicke teme Journal, Zagreb, Croatian, pp. 145-160.

Nyiri P. (1997). Organization and Integration in a New Overseas Chinese Community - Hungarym 1989-1997 pp. 55-69.

Sik, E. (1999). Informal Economy and Migration in Contemporary Hungary (outline). Paper for UNESCOE Meeting of Experts on International Migration in Central and Eastern Europe at Threshold of the XXI Century Moscow, 8-10 September, 1998.

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